The Trip Begins!
/Day 1: Bringing This Unites US to the streets!
Today I begin my Journey across the country to bring American History 2000-2012
& This Unites US to the streets.
The van is loaded, everything fit, and as I drove away from our home in Napa, California,
I was sent off my incredible husband Sergio & beautiful daughter Sonia
who will be joining me on later legs of this journey.
This project has been a collective effort,
& would not be possible without the love and support of my family!
This journey feels like one of the biggest trips I have every taken,
& I am beyond grateful to say that I am not doing it alone!
I am very blessed to be surrounded by this love and support! I have the world's most incredible family, and together we have been able to dream and build the 'impossible'.
{ that's me, waving 'Ciao' to home, and my beloveds }
{ & off I go }
First Stop: Cleveland to show at House Tremont Gallery
for my first art show in Cleveland, on (July 15-17),
before the Republican National Convention.
- Second: During the Republican National Convention (July 18-21)
we will be posted at Willard Park in Cleveland.
- Third: to Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention (July 25-28)
where we will be setting up in People's Plaza, at Independence Park
We are coming to focus on one question, which is;
"What Do We Have in Common?"
because it is that, which does Unite US.
{ image Sonia & Sergio sent me, waiving farewell as I left }