Philadelphia We've Arrived!
/We’ve Arrived! Traveling from Cleveland to Philly was a peaceful & beautiful drive.
We got settled in last night & decided to hit the town this morning to have a look...
Let me tell you the vibe & activity between the two cities is like night & day.
It seems that locals in Cleveland were discouraged from engaging in activities in the city,
& as a result the pedestrian traffic there was for the most part quiet.
Philadelphia on the other hand is thronging with activity.
Tourists, street vendors & activists of all sorts vying for attention as we walked down
the streets in blistering heat.
Similarities between the two cities; every person we’ve met has been welcoming and wonderful!
I suppose our humanity & pride within our homes also unite us.
Wow, the oppressive heat has abated, & as I’m writing this a thunderstorm has just begun.
(across the street from our location at Liberty Park)
(This is where we will be posting 'This Unites US' during the DNC, at Independence Park. We are directly across from the Liberty Bell)